
the xtricate dynamedics. your one-stop-service and support center for dynamics ERP
in southeast asia


dynamics NAV

dynamics 365 BC
it may be hard to believe, but there still are a few navision customers who are just happy with their navision ERP as it has been for decades.
microsoft has dropped support for these versions many years ago, but xtricate is here to keep you going.
one of the first things microsoft did, when they acquired navision, was to rebrand all their different ERP products to "dynamics". navision become dynamics NAV.
microsoft mainstream support for the last NAV release (2018) will end in OCT 2023.
the new kid in town is called "dynamics 365 business central" and it came along with significant technological modernizations. as a service or on premises, business central is cloud ready and the "way to go" for most companies still using dynamics NAV or navision.